
How Niching Down Will Help You Grow Your Business

Clients often come to us with a similar goal: To grow their business. 

This is a great place to start. What business owner wouldn’t want a bigger customer base, right? But all too often, business owners try to appeal to EVERYONE, instead of the specific audiences who would be interested in their product or service. 

Why niching down works

The key to building your customer base is to determine your target audience, and niching down.  It’s no secret that when you connect with the right people you can build an amazing community … and that’s liquid gold for a business owner. This is what will ultimately bring you results.

We work with our clients to help them create intentional content and share it with the right people. Of course, the heart of marketing is to get our clients’ content into the right hands. But more importantly, as relationship marketers, we build meaningful connections between our clients and their target audiences. Once strong relationships are formed with the right people, everything else will follow.

Finding the right people to build relationships with is no simple task. 

But it is possible.

What are you trying to do?

Finding the right target audience starts with identifying your goal. Do you want to increase sales for a specific product? Obtain more clients? Be known as a leader in your industry? 

Your ultimate goal will be the foundation for everything else you do with your marketing. You’ll come back to this goal, again and again, as a touch point. When you start to feel lost, or unsure of what to do next, this goal will bring you back in line. 

How to find the right target audience for your business

Who are you trying to reach?

Next is the hard part: figuring out who it is you want to talk to. We know, this is a huge question! There are thousands of people out there, and maybe your initial response is that you want to talk to everyone. 

We get it! You have an amazing product or service, and everyone could benefit from it! 

But we’ll let you in on a secret here. When you try to connect with everyone, you connect with no one.

Identifying the specific groups of people you want to reach will actually make your content better, and easier to create. Tim Ferriss is a great example of this. When he wrote his New York Times best seller, The 4-Hour Work Week, he experienced major writer’s block. Why? Because he was trying to write for everyone. 

Eventually, he shifted gears and wrote the book with one specific person in mind. Suddenly finishing the book was simple, and The 4-Hour Work Week became a major success.

Think about it like this: Who is that perfect person you want to support your business? 

Now, let’s get specific.

Once you’ve figured out who you want to reach, take it a step further and start narrowing down your target audience. If you’re looking to reach middle-aged women or moms, narrow that group down. Is it moms with young children who are searching for family-friendly resources? Or is it moms who are divorced with adult children and they’re finding new hobbies and passions? What are they interested in? Where do they get their information? When is the best time of day to reach them – after the kids bedtime, or during their lunch break?

Make your audience as narrow as you can. If possible, create a persona for who you’re trying to talk to. Write it down and give them a name! The more you focus on a targeted group, the more success you’ll have. Take a look at this blog where Seth Godin explains the importance of finding a small niche. 


Famous marketing quotes

Community is the foundation

When you start to build a strong community, the opportunities for your business will grow.

Do you need help identifying your target audience? Let’s talk about it! Reach out to us and we’d love to help you grow your business.



About Fesyk Marketing

We’re a boutique agency that believes great relationships are the key to having a successful and sustainable business. And we see opportunities for connection and collaboration everywhere!

Our amazing team specializes in creating content and leveraging social media to help our clients strengthen relationships, increase referral rates and attract new business. As a vision based company we create bespoke marketing plans with the end goal in mind and then work right alongside you to make it happen.

One of our favourite mantras is, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” and have proven time and time again that authentic, meaningful content is the foundation for building a community of loyal customers.

Does this sound interesting to you? Send us an e-mail to connect and learn more about how relationship marketing can help your business.

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