
How to Audit Your Own Marketing and Social Media + Free Audit Worksheet!

Hello everyone! My name is Dylan. I’m Fesyk Marketing’s Intern for the summer and want to announce something we’ve been working on to help local businesses. We are currently creating a streamlined, easy-to-access marketing plan audit worksheet that you can download for free to get your strategic marketing plans and campaigns dialled in on the right audience.


After looking over past social media assessments, we found that small, essential things would sometimes go unnoticed, even under the most critical eye. As a small business owner, it’s hard to keep track of all of the details of every social media platform you might have a presence on, which can harm your social media plans moving forward. We know that no plan or company is the same. Although it might seem like a good idea to develop a different approach for each campaign plan and marketing audit, it’s good to have a consistent plan that can cover everything to make sure nothing goes unchecked.

How to Audit Your Own Marketing + Social Media, Fesyk Marketing blog

Checking Consistency

This download ensures your social media analysis is consistent and accurate.

When we audit social media campaigns for clients, one common problem we notice is inconsistency. Your website might have an up-to-date logo, but the Twitter account you forgot you had has an old one. Your old website may not redirect potential customers to your updated website. Unless you notice you have a sizeable following and decide it’s a great place to build relationships with the kind of customers you want to work with, it might be time to delete some of those inactive social profiles you no longer use. To make these kinds of decisions and track down all the inconsistencies in your online presence, check in on the past areas where your business has been active online.

Because every community, every plan, every business, and every person is unique, this worksheet is easy to digest, informative, and logical. It walks you through some important social media planning components to assess what works and what needs attention. You might even learn something new about yourself and your business along the way!

Don’t worry; you don’t need experience in marketing, business, or communications to grasp where you need to go with your marketing plan. This download will help steer you in the right direction.

Sneak Preview: Using the Worksheet to Analyze Your Brand’s Identity

Are you interested? Well, I’ll go into one of my favourite components of the worksheet. Think of it as a teaser for what kind of results you can expect. This component is known as “Analyzing your current brand’s identity”!

Simply put, your brand identity is how you portray your business to the public. If you want to build a meaningful relationship with your customers, you have to wear the proper attire to fit the right occasion. If you wanted people to donate to a fundraiser, you wouldn’t wear a tie-dye shirt to a black-tie event. It’s important to look at how you previously represented your organization and how that presentation may have benefitted or even harmed your image. Analyzing your brand identity may start with answering the simple question: “What makes you special?”

You probably asked yourself this before, but coming back to it can help shine a light on some of your future marketing strategies. Your business plan may have changed since you last plotted your entrepreneurial approach, so if you take the time to find that angle that nobody else has (again), you immediately become the go-to business for that service. Boom!— There’s a marketing plan right there.

Sneak Preview: Use the Worksheet to Reassess Your Logo and Business Name

Another practical question for assessing your brand identity is taking five seconds and looking at your company’s logo and name. What immediate reactions, thoughts or assumptions can you make about your company in the first five seconds? The biggest hurdle with this might be your own positive bias towards your company– not that there’s anything wrong with that!
However, if this is the case, get a friend’s opinion and see what they think! It helps to get as many opinions on this as you can, so try reaching out to specific customers you’re trying to attract and get their feedback.

This worksheet is filled with easy questions like the ones above.

Completing it and working your way through this worksheet will give you a good idea of where you need to take your new social media marketing plan to build some mutually beneficial customer relationships.

Want to get your hands on this worksheet? Click on the cover image below. And don’t forget to sign up for updates, to make sure you don’t miss out on more useful marketing tools like this one!

Guide to Auditing Your Online Marketing, Fesyk Marketing blog

Need a little more help with your marketing planning? We’ve got more on target audiences here:

Or check out our previous blogs on goal-setting:



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