
How to use content marketing to build relationships with your customers

How to leverage content marketing in your business

It’s no secret that building strong relationships is at the heart of everything we do. Sure, we’re marketers who love to increase our clients’ sales, but our marketing tactics are intentional and go way beyond a transaction. One of the most successful tactics in our toolbox is content marketing. 

Why? Meaningful content will help you build a legacy for you and your business. Unique content creates an opportunity for conversation and connection, which leads to loyalty and referrals. Great content is the secret sauce of relationship marketing! 

Content marketing lets you connect and serve your clients 24/7 without actually being available 24/7. We’re not saying it doesn’t take work to focus on content, but when you share it in the right way, your customers will continue to come back for more and, ultimately, turn to you as the expert. It’s like a steady, long-term relationship! 

Unique content creation is the focal point of our marketing strategies. No matter the type of industry our clients are in, we love to find ways to help them share their message with the world through memorable content. 

We’ve learned a few tricks along the way when it comes to content marketing that we’d like to share with you. 

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Create a plan

What would you like to achieve in your business? What kind of content are you going to create? What topics would you like to cover? Questions like this will help you focus on your goals and find the right type of content. 

Look for a win/win scenario for both you and your clients. You want to feel inspired about the content you create, and you want to share information that helps your ideal clients discover you and connect with your brand. 

When you check both of these boxes, you know you’re creating something special! 

Know who you’re actually trying to reach

Oh the dreaded find your audience. Any marketer will tell you how important it is to identify a target audience, but hear us out. 

To effectively use content marketing to increase sales in your business, you need to create content that connects with your audience and positions you as an expert. And yes, that means you need to know who your target audience is! 

If you don’t know the answer to this question, it’s worth spending some time to figure it out. Use this article as a guide for identifying your target audience (and the types of content they want to see).  

Knowing who you are trying to connect with will help you determine how you deliver and promote your content, too. It will make it so much easier in the long run, ultimately saving you time and money – we know you like the sound of that! 

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Think big content picture

Content marketing isn’t just about creation. How you share your content with the world means everything in terms of your success. 

You can click publish and pray that your content is discovered by someone surfing the internet, or you can create a promotion plan that delivers results. We recommend the latter. 

The options are endless when it comes to content promotion. A few of our favourites are list building, email marketing outreach, newsletters, and (of course) social media. With some focus and hustle you can grow your reach fairly quickly. 

It goes without saying that the bigger your budget, the faster you can grow. However, there is something to be said for slower growth, especially in the beginning when you’re fine tuning your message.

Is content marketing your next step?

If we’ve inspired you to create amazing content for your business but you’re not sure where to start or how to make it successful, let us do the heavy lifting for you. 

We work closely with our clients so they’re a part of the process. After all, you’re the expert! We help you share that with the world. 

If you feel excited about the possibility of great content, send us an email at hello@sambawebstudio.website. We’d love to help you. 



About Fesyk Marketing

We’re a boutique agency that believes great relationships are the key to having a successful and sustainable business. And we see opportunities for connection and collaboration everywhere!

Our amazing team specializes in creating content and leveraging social media to help our clients strengthen relationships, increase referral rates and attract new business. As a vision based company we create bespoke marketing plans with the end goal in mind and then work right alongside you to make it happen.

One of our favourite mantras is, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” and have proven time and time again that authentic, meaningful content is the foundation for building a community of loyal customers.

Does this sound interesting to you? Send us an e-mail to connect and learn more about how relationship marketing can help your business.

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