
My podcast creation journey: What I wish I knew before I started

If you’ve clicked on our blog before, you know how much we love content marketing. Creating good content is one of the best ways to connect with your audience, but only if your content is in the right space(s). There’s a lot that goes into choosing the right type of content for your business (if you missed our past blog on this, click here to read it). Above all, you need to feel fulfilled in your content creation. 

We invited Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Transformational Coach and Author of over 13 personal-development books, to share her words of wisdom on the world of podcasting! Our team has worked with Dr. Rosie over the past year to help guide her podcast creation and share it with her audience, creating a loyal fan base. 

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast for your business, get your notebook out for these starter tips.

Take it away, Dr. Rosie!

Dr. Rosie Kuhn’s podcast creation journey

If you search Google for the pros and cons of podcasting, you will get a lot of really great information. In my research for this blog I found out that over 21 million hours of podcasts are listened to every day. There are a lot of great opportunities to be found and heard through podcasts. So what makes it a great platform for me? 

I’ve written 13 books and over 250 blogs. I’ve recorded almost 300 YouTube videos. So, when I began to think about all the places people listen to podcasts (while they drive, workout, wait for their kids) I thought this platform might be the ticket for sharing some wisdom, experiences and discoveries. As a transformational coach, and a woman old enough to be someone’s grandmother, I figured I would explore podcasts to connect with people who may not be into watching videos on YouTube or reading blogs on a website.

There are so many articles online that will give you a list of pros and cons if you’re thinking of starting a podcast – you don’t need to see one more. So instead, I want to share my podcast creation journey with you. What I love about it, what I don’t love about it, how I created content, and what I wish I knew before I started. All in all, podcast creation has been a positive experience for me – an experience I look forward to repeating again! 

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Why I love the world of podcasting

Because of my nature to go with the flow, and to listen and allow my intuition to guide me, I found my time recording to be a good practice. Here’s why I love podcast creation: 

  1. It comes easy to me. I love to spend my time creating great content. I easily recorded 100 episodes for my first show, Aging Like a Guru, and then another 100 episodes for Spiritual Immersion: Taking the Plunge. I released three episodes a week that were rarely longer than 15 minutes. My intuition is the source of my content: the more I listen, the more I can create! 
  2. Sharing my voice and my style creates easy communication. Podcasting feels personable. I imagine my audience taking in every word and applying them to their own personal experiences. I love sharing aspects of my topics that create resonance, and evoke personal truths for the listener. Perhaps this happens more so than in video or blogs.
  3. There are so many places to host a podcast today. Instead of just iTunes we now have platforms like PodBean, Pandora, Alexa, Amazon, and so many others! It’s easy to be heard, and I love that. 
  4. I enjoyed the research that went into creating a good podcast. I purchased a good pair of headphones, a quality microphone, and each cost about $100. I used Garageband to record and edit my episodes, and I bought a piece of music for $25 from Pond 5. I pay PodBean to host my two podcasts, and I’ve gotten a good number of downloads. Buy quality products, but not one’s that break your bank!
  5. Initially someone did the back end of PodBean for me but the truth is, I could have easily done it myself! So, that’s what I did for my second podcast show. There are so many YouTube videos that walk you through the process, like this one. That being said, there was a value in paying someone to work on this for me because it motivated me to create a schedule and stick to it. 

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What I wish I knew before starting my podcast

There are some aspects to podcast creation that are less positive, of course. Here are a few things to consider before you jump in with both feet:

  1. As I mentioned, I have a desire to connect and engage. Though I feel podcasting is a personable experience, this may not be the case for everyone. I’m talking as if my audience is engaged and responding, but really, it is only me behind the microphone. The lack of direct interaction can have some effects on your confidence. 
  2. Podcasts are time consuming: creating an outline, researching and writing the content, recording and editing. My approach is to be natural, approachable, and casual because my topics can be quite intense. Many hosts spend hours perfectly recording each session and then editing it exactly how they want. I did a minimal amount of that. I also recorded three episodes in one sitting. This kept things organized and it was simple for me to upload them all at the same time.
  3. Self-organization and motivation are essential to creating podcasts for any period of time. These self-disciplinary skills may not be true for you. If this isn’t fun for you, you may find it hard to sustain the practice of podcast creation. There may be other ways to get your message out there! Keep an open mind and you will find the perfect match for you.

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Tips for your podcast … if you choose to create one!

Podcasting really can be the most amazing journey for both you and your audience! So, if you feel inspired to take the leap, take a few of these tips with you. 

  1. Do what you love, talk about what you love, and be passionate about sharing your message with others. If you aren’t excited about what you’re saying, your message will be cloudy.
  2. Allow your natural, authentic presence to be. When you try to be perfect without mistakes you lose the connection you want to build with your audience. You don’t have to be an expert or have a level of mastery. You just have to have the intention to express yourself, your heart and passion.
  3. If you are doing it for the money – think again. Yes, there are people who are hugely successful. And yes, there is money to be made. However, as I share with anyone and everyone who asks me what they should do, I say “Do what makes you happy.”
  4. Find equipment that you are comfortable and confident with. I found I have confidence in Garageband. It’s easy and inexpensive – and it’s free on Apple products! There are a lot of options out there, so experiment with different applications. 
  5. If you decide to take on podcasting, see it as an experiment. Experiment with your style. Find your voice and discover how podcasting can be your vehicle for expression. 


On an even deeper note, the final piece of advice I will share with you is my calling to begin a third podcast called Diving Within for Spiritual Peace. Though it is ready to go, some part of me has been hesitant to start recording. I listen for when that voice within me is all in. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s not. For me, if it isn’t a hell yes, it’s probably a hell no! 

I encourage patience, patience, patience! Reaching the number of ears you want may not happen overnight. Trust in your heart. Trust in your message. Trust that you will connect to those who are waiting to hear you.

Need guidance on your content creation journey?

That’s what we’re here for! Send us an email at hello@sambawebstudio.website and we’ll get you on your way to success.



About Fesyk Marketing

We’re a boutique agency that believes great relationships are the key to having a successful and sustainable business. And we see opportunities for connection and collaboration everywhere!

Our amazing team specializes in creating content and leveraging social media to help our clients strengthen relationships, increase referral rates and attract new business. As a vision based company we create bespoke marketing plans with the end goal in mind and then work right alongside you to make it happen.

One of our favourite mantras is, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” and have proven time and time again that authentic, meaningful content is the foundation for building a community of loyal customers.

Does this sound interesting to you? Send us an e-mail to connect and learn more about how relationship marketing can help your business.

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