
Why Clubhouse is the perfect relationship marketing tool (and how to use it!)

Hey fellow internet scroller! 

The further along we get in this pandemic, the more I find myself relying on online platforms – I mean, we’ve all got to be experts at Zoom by now right? But when there’s buzz around a new social platform, I get excited about the potential to use it to build relationships. (If you’re new here, our love for relationship marketing makes us constantly think about how we can utilize social platforms to create stronger connections between a business and its customers). 

So, introduce the Clubhouse app! 

The Clubhouse app has been around for about a year now, but like most social platforms it didn’t start to create a buzz until just recently. Naturally, my team and I tried it out for ourselves and we see huge potential. We couldn’t wait to share our thoughts with you on how to use Clubhouse to build relationships, market your business, and connect with the very people you look up on social media. 

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an invitation-only social networking app that allows users to listen and join in on audio conversations. It’s kind of like an interactive podcast or radio show, with thousands of radio-like rooms to tune into and participate in conversations with people from all over the world. Topics range from sports, tech, travel, wellness, creativity… nearly anything you can think of, there’s a Clubhouse room for it. 

Clubhouse as the best marketing tool for your business

What we love about Clubhouse

Our initial attraction to the app was the easy, yet organized method to connect with others. The platform is great for everyone. If you’re a business owner who wants to increase your brand awareness, if you’re a digital influencer and you want to grow your following, or even if you’re driving to work and have run out of good podcasts. You can choose to actively participate, or to be a ghost in the background and listen in.

Here are some of the features we totally loved during our test run

1) The app can run in the background on your iPhone, so it’s perfect for when you want to listen in while you multitask.

2) Each chat room is set up like a stage, where the moderator can invite guests to essentially “speak on stage” and once they’re done, they get moved back into the audience. You can even create private breakout rooms. Not only is this set-up great for casual conversations, you could also host team meetings!

clubhouse app stage layout

3) The elimination of the chat or message function is brilliant. Hear us out on this one! No more being distracted by others’ questions, or having to constantly watch the chat box while running the show. Clubhouse is solely audio-chat, and let me tell you – it’s refreshing. We love this level of connection.

4) You have multiple notification options where you can choose the type of room you want to be notified about, how frequently you wish to receive notifications, and whether to pause them for a bit.

5) The invitation-only rule keeps the app from getting saturated too quickly.

Our Clubhouse wish list

With any new social media app, you’ll find there are things you wish were more user friendly. The one thing on our wish list is that the app be available for Android users. Currently Clubhouse is only available on iPhones, and this leaves all Android users out of the loop.

How to use Clubhouse for Relationship Marketing

Within the app you can be a moderator and a guest. If your ultimate goal is to host a Club where you control the chat room and drive the conversation, being a moderator is the perfect fit for you. If you’re looking for interesting conversations and maybe a new connection or two, the guest spot is where it’s at. Here are some tips for any of you Clubhouse beginners.

Tips on how to best use Clubhouse as a moderator

1) Use the functions to your advantage! As a moderator, you have the ability to remove guests, mute them, and send them back to the audience so your stage doesn’t get too crowded. This helps to establish meaningful connections without any background noise.

2) When your guests are speaking, click on their profile image and check out their information quickly. If they have their social accounts linked, check those out too! You can do this without interrupting the conversation, and you’ll be able to establish stronger connections with your guests by commenting on their profile details.


3) Have a call to action for your guests. Where can they go next to continue the conversation? Direct them to your website to sign up for your newsletter, or to check out your IGTV videos on Instagram. Show them that you have even more relevant, valuable content to discover. Your guests will look forward to connecting with you again!

4) In order to start a club you need to be active on the app. Engage with other people on the app, follow their accounts, and check out different conversations!

Tips on how to best use Clubhouse as a guest

1) If the app seems a bit intimidating at first, or you’re not sure where to start, keep your eye out for conversations with Clubhouse founders or follow a beginners Club.

2) Find conversations that interest you! Clubhouse founders recommend jumping between multiple rooms to find the right people. If you go into a room and you don’t love the conversation, feel free to click the “leave quietly” button.

3) If you get invited to speak while you’re in a room, it’s more than okay to decline or not answer at all. The moderator will move onto someone else, no harm no foul!

4) If you’re on the hunt to make active connections with people in an industry or community, don’t be afraid to hit that follow button or to raise your hand while in a room. There are a ton of opportunities here for collaboration.

Join the experience

Ready to join the Club? All you need is an invite. Ask around to your friends or colleagues, check out Reddit threads, or add yourself to the waitlist. Then, listen in, maybe start a room, and have fun! 

Need help creating your Clubhouse strategy? Get in touch with us!



About Fesyk Marketing

We’re a boutique agency that believes great relationships are the key to having a successful and sustainable business. And we see opportunities for connection and collaboration everywhere!

Our amazing team specializes in creating content and leveraging social media to help our clients strengthen relationships, increase referral rates and attract new business. As a vision based company we create bespoke marketing plans with the end goal in mind and then work right alongside you to make it happen.

One of our favourite mantras is, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” and have proven time and time again that authentic, meaningful content is the foundation for building a community of loyal customers.

Does this sound interesting to you? Send us an e-mail to connect and learn more about how relationship marketing can help your business.

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