
Our vision for Fesyk Marketing: Why you need a vision for your business

We talk a lot about the marketing tools we use to help our clients promote their services and products. Social media, blogging, email marketing, and big picture planning and messaging. 

But there is something important you need to have before we can get started on these tools: a vision for your business and for yourself.

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Why you need a vision for your business

With a solid vision for where you want your business to go, we can create a goal-specific marketing plan. Even a glimpse of your pie-in-the-sky dream helps us hone in on which tools and tactics we can use to get you there. Don’t get me wrong, we love all the feels that come with relationship marketing, but more than anything, we want to help you determine your why and move toward those big goals. 

And that’s no easy task! Putting your finger on one single vision can feel like the most daunting thing in the world for a passionate business owner. I tell my clients over and over again, “stay in your lane,” “Stop creating content for content’s sake,” “Get laser focused on your vision, and you’ll increase your chance of success”. 

But I realized today that I’ve been giving out this excellent advice, and I haven’t walked my talk. I haven’t shared my vision for Fesyk Marketing.

We’ve helped clients write blogs, create downloadable e-books, launch their speaking careers, start YouTube channels and run weekly live shows, like The Art of Renovation LIVE!. I feel like our small-but-mighty team can do it all! 

But when I stop and look at who we are, and what’s our why… the messaging is fuzzy.

Is Fesyk Marketing a social media company? A full scale marketing agency? 

Are we bloggers? Coaches? Planners? 

Are we all of the above? Maybe. But it’s time to pick a lane and make our messaging clear. 

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The Fesyk Marketing Vision

We are a team of content creators and relationship builders. We see opportunities for connection everywhere. Our super power? Leveraging our clients’ expertise into engaging content, building trust and brand awareness. Our clients are fun, passionate, collaborative people who are great at what they do (and they love to do it!). 

Our mission at Fesyk Marketing is to help our clients achieve their biggest goals by creating amazing content that amplifies their brand and builds their loyal, unique community.

Our core values — collaboration, connection, and creativity — are woven through every post, plan, and promotion we create.

Our vision is to inspire passionate people, guide them to success, and create a stronger sense of community in the world. 

That’s our “why”… what’s yours?



About Fesyk Marketing

We’re a boutique agency that believes great relationships are the key to having a successful and sustainable business. And we see opportunities for connection and collaboration everywhere!

Our amazing team specializes in creating content and leveraging social media to help our clients strengthen relationships, increase referral rates and attract new business. As a vision based company we create bespoke marketing plans with the end goal in mind and then work right alongside you to make it happen.

One of our favourite mantras is, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” and have proven time and time again that authentic, meaningful content is the foundation for building a community of loyal customers.

Does this sound interesting to you? Send us an e-mail to connect and learn more about how relationship marketing can help your business.

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